As a relatively young group currently based in NTU, Creatures of Habit mostly makes artbooks, 'zines (mini magazines), and other forms of short-form publications, although they also dabble in stickers, prints, etc. By working together with up-and-coming creators, they hope to shine a spotlight on young local voices, particularly those who are new to and willing to experiment with the 'zine format. They continue to engage with the concerns of Singapore's latest generation, who are deeply invested in matters from the ongoing struggle against LGBTQ+ discrimination, to the little lives of neighborhood cats.
Founding members Ke Dong, Yi Tian and Bryan met each other when they were 16 at the Creative Arts Program (CAP), a week-long creative writing camp for secondary school and junior college students. United by their love for writing and the arts, the three started the group in 2017, publishing two multimedia zines between 2017 and 2018.

Our core team: Ke Dong, Bryan and Yi Tian in 2019!

Creatures of Habit Issue #1 spotted at Booksactually SWF!

Ke Dong holding our freshest copies of Bitter Singles Club!
The first zine, simply titled Creatures of Habit Issue #1, included elements such as surreal photography, satirical poetry and prose, and short drama works by all three members. Initially released in September 2017, the group sold 70 copies, with a small number of the first zine finding their way into the shelves of Booksactually, and was even made available at the Singapore Writers Festival in 2018.
For the second zine, titled Bitter Singles Club, the trio was joined by new collaborators Audrey and Liya. Released in February 2018, this issue was more interested in themes of love, and contained a short comic, multiple poetry and short story works. Roughly 100 copies were sold.

Ke Dong and Yi Tian's performance of their original poem Love is Our Destination at YAWP! 2018
Beyond these two publications, however, the group pursued other endeavors. At the beginning of 2018, Bryan and Ke Dong were invited to engage in a TedxYouth presentation at their school, where they shared their trials of working as an independent creative group. Ke Dong and Yi Tian also entered the slam poetry competition Young Adult Writers Perform (YAWP!), performing once in 2018 and again in 2019, where the duo won first prize in the group category for their original poem Love Meets Love.
In July 2018, the group (alongside our frequent collaborator Audrey) participated in Singapore's first-ever Queer Zine Festival at Camp Kilo Charcoal Club. Besides offering its second zine Bitter Singles Club and a selection of stickers, the group also offered Ke Dong's Queer Tales, an anthology of local LGBTQ narratives combined with his own visual works. ​

Audrey, Ke Dong, Yi Tian, and Bryan at Camp Kilo Charcoal Club!

Yi Tian's multimedia zine DORSCON RED which was published in April 2020.
After this, the group took a brief hiatus from 2019-2021: two of three members enlisted, and the emergence of the pandemic dampened any attempts at collaboration. That being said, individual creative works did not cease: Yi Tian released her own multimedia e-zine titled DORSCON RED, which gathered creative works from young artists and writers struggling with the aftereffects of COVID-19 and premiered at the 2020 Singapore Poetry Festival. Having begun his National Service, Bryan produced Shorelines, a poetry collection about the view overlooking Lower Seletar Reservoir which he passed every day on his way to camp. Likewise, Ke Dong developed his skills as a freelance illustrator and designer, working with clients such as the Singapore Students Association in Germany (SSAG).
In 2022, the group reformed with the intention of picking up where it left off. With two core members now studying at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Creatures of Habit refocused on collaborating with other young artists and writers interested in exploring the zine format, providing assistance on everything from generating ideas, logistical aid, and event participation. The roster has also expanded to include five guest creators, some established and some only starting out. Among its members, the group has at least nine publications either fully complete or in various stages of completion.