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The Core Team

Yu Ke Dong

Ke Dong is currently a Y1 English Literature and Art History undergraduate at Nanyang Technical University; his obsessions include Southeast Asian animated films, international literature, and cats. When he is not wrapped up in managing the publicity and media at his residential Hall, Ke Dong manages to manage the production of zines and other projects at Creatures of Habit. 

@ntugoat on Telegram 


Lim Yi Tian

Yi Tian (you can call her YT) is a Y3 English Literature student minoring in Creative Writing at Nanyang Technological University. She loves making mini 'zines, fashion, mythology, and aquariums! She's dabbling in graphic design right now, and helps with content creation and social media management at Creatures of Habit. 

@ttacked on Telegram

Bryan Ge

Bryan is a freshman studying Economics with a concentration in English at Columbia University. In another, more corporate life, he has done creative work for brands like Visa, Diageo, and Singtel. His writing has been published in Rice Media and the Eunoia Review. When he is not managing the business backend at Creatures of Habit, he is playing chess, looking at modern art or daydreaming of his next meal.

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